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so yesterday was the most exciting day I have had in a long while!! I'm pretty sure everyone knows how close I'm to ALL my family but I grew up next to my cousins, spent countless summers at the fair showing piggies and swimming in the irrigation ditch with jessie, kyle, jake, jennie, luke and lane. All through high school I got to watch Kyle play basketball and we rode to school together since everyone knows my driving record!! :) when kyle got his mission call to Ulaabaater Mongolia the first thing I did was found it on the map, as it got closer to him leaving the more it sunk in, it was sooo far away and two years is a long time! BUT I was excited I know that kyle is such a blessing in my life he is so funny, friendly, lovable, and really smart! I always knew a mission is what the lord expected of him and he also always wanted to serve! time flew by and his farewell came he deff. looked the part as a missionary I wont lie, I was to busy crying to remember it all BUT he did excellent!! It was hard to say goodbye to the cousin who always roughed me up, beat me at basketball, and gave me all the lectures I needed without asking. The first year was hard him being gone for the annual naisbitt family christmas party, not seeing his christmas presents, not seeing him at all the family birthday parties but his letters amazed me!! I witnessed his growth spiritually!! I loved reading his letters it made me realize how lucky I was to be an American, I loved seeing all the pictures he sent home, and I felt special when he wrote me during the times I needed him the most, I especially loved my birthday letter, the second year flew by! I was in a better state of mind, I knew he loved his work , he was safe, protected, and serving the lord, and helping with a lot of service projects!! Christmas this year was the best I got to hear his voice and then time dragged again I was SOOO ready to have him back!! I took the day off work, made sure I had my camera and went to the airport with the whole family, Im sure the airport security hated us!! :) BUT we were prepared video cameras in hand!! Seeing Kyle come down the escalator with his HUGE smile made me sooo emotional!! Im so happy to have him back I cant wait to hear more of his stories!! :)) He left his family for two years so others could be with there families for eternity, sometimes it felt like eternity but now he is home!!