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so far I'm loving fall except for waking up early to get the ice of my windshield. I love wearing hoodies everyday to work though!!! here are some pictures of fall thus far.. me and ash took a little road trip to malad idaho for the last outside rodeo of the year.. needless to say we did not dress warm enough luckily a friend of ashleys shared her blanket with us!!! :)) I think the rest of the year we will stick to inside rodeos. we had fun cheering on the bull riders and speeding along the freeway and taking tons of pictures. mostly in the bathroom in downy idaho. hahahaha. me, meg, ari, and jessica went swing dancing it was a good time I learned I need line dancing lessons. Rachel, Alyssa, Lauri, BreeAnn and I got together for a girls night before Alyssa left on her mission to the Philippines, she has always been such a genuine girl and such a good friend and a good example she will do great as a missionary. Jess and I attempted clubbing, it was so much fun even though we took tooo long getting ready and managed to cover lisas bathroom in glitter. kg, greg, jesse and I along with there friends went to haunted hallow then watched a scary movie got me in the halloween spirit. :)) I love the fall and I got the twins Kiyah and Kenidi pumpkins so more photos of parties, trunk or treat, and of course inside rodeos will come soon!! :))

I love the fair!! I look forward to it all year, and save time off so I can be off all week for the rodeo, the livestock shows, livestock auction, the derby and all of that fun stuff. This year was a little more eventful than usual my baby sister Lindsey was showing her steer
and he got spooked whether it was the rainy weather, the loud speaker, or a tired steer, when she got in the show arena the steer kicked her, she flew and then the steer was off into the fair. My mother called me hysterical but luckily she was ok, mostly shaken up and bruised real good. My cousins, siblings, grandpa, uncles, and aunts live for the fair. I always run into old high school friends, extended family and see my family everyday during fair week. My grandpa is an amazing man and without him we wouldnt have this family tradition. :))
SO... this queening thing is all so new to me.. it takes a lot more effort than just horse shows, I was SOOOO impressed with my baby sister lindsey, she modeled like a pro I was blown away. The morning started pretty early like 4am, curling hair, hair spray massive amounts of makeup. THEN.. it rained.. this is the halter my sister won I was excited it was zebra, earlier in the year my sisters horse had fallen in the ditch and got a horrible rope burn, but a family friend rescued us by letting Linds use her horse. She won miss congeniality as well as horsemanship. :)) way to go sister..
Kenidi && Kiyah!! Meet the twins, I LOVE these two!! I currently live with them. They are full of energy & always keeping me on my toes. TERRIBLE TWOS is right, although I must say they are still a joy to be around. They are so caring and fun. There latest accomplishment is being potty trained!! :)
I love my family, they are always keeping me busy whether its trying to hunt my brother down in the fields working or hunting lately, those ducks better hide...Melissa is quite the tumbler, Lindsey is making me such a proud sister, she is quite the rodeo girl, recently she took miss congeniality and horsemanship at Hooper Tomato Days queen contest. My dad is such a hard worker he is a good example to me, he never takes a day off. The last few years my dad has been road biking with his buddies a lot. I love my family and spending time with them, I'am a lucky girl & very blessed..